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Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council forms with the pastor a leadership group of the paish that is broadly representative of parish membership.  Through the council the Catholic laity, along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office, give their help in fostering pastoral activity (Canon 536).  It is an energizing, coordinating, and unifying organism of parish life that enables the individual members of the parish  to have access to the processes that guide and support the various aspects of parish life.  As such, all other parish groups or bodies should relate to the council either through one or another of the council commissions or through some other appropriate means.


It must be emphasized that the spiritual growth and mission of the parish community is the primary concern of the council.  As a result, the council concerns itself with the material well-being of the parish only within the context of this primary focus.

Functions: The council carries out its purpose through five interdependent functions:


  1. Spritual Formation

  2. Parish Planning

  3. Policy Development

  4. Communications

  5. Collaboration wtih the Finance Council

Pastoral Council Members:


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