Welcome to St. Joseph's Religious Education Program!
Catholic formation for children comes from many sources within the parish life including Sunday Mass, prayer and living a Catholic way of life in the home. In addition, our parish Religious Education (RE) Program specifically serves our public school and home school children in Kindergarten through 8th-grade with both grade-level religion classes and sacramental preparation.
K-8 Faith Formation classes will start Wednesday, September 11, 2024, and registration is happening now! Forms are available at the links below.
Questions? Call Allison at the parish office at 625-7356 or email stjdre@stjoehays.com.
Religious Education Registration Form - CLICK HERE
Diocese of Salina Form B - CLICK HERE
Diocese of Salina Form C - CLICK HERE
Parish Education Commitment Form - CLICK HERE
Stewardship Renewal Forms – If you have not returned your family’s stewardship renewal forms to the parish office, you must contact Kevin at the parish office – 625-7356 – for a copy of your records to complete and return.